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  • 專輯名稱:中國交響樂團五十週年—舞劇集
  • 專輯編號:HD-223b
  • 藝術家:众艺术家
  • 音樂風格:传统音乐 器樂
  • 唱片公司:ABC(國際)唱片

每次帶領國內樂團赴海外演出前,陳佐湟總要在選曲上花很大功夫,他希望把中國音 樂更好地呈現在國際舞臺上。離開國交後,他應邀赴二十多個國家和地區擔任三十多支交響樂團的客席指揮。對他來說,這是一個瞭解世界音樂的最好機會,也讓他 吸取了各地音樂藝術的精華。他熱情、嚴謹、富有魅力的指揮藝術受到各國聽眾及音樂家們的讚賞和喜愛,更為人稱道的,是他在音樂普及和向世人推薦中國交響樂新作及新人所做出的不懈努力。 

中國交響樂團主要演奏古典主義、浪漫主義和近、現代交響樂等中外經典音樂作品,其中許多作品由樂團在中國及世界首演。中國交響樂團經常在國內進行廣泛的巡演,足跡遍及全國 30個省和自治區的40餘座城市及臺灣、香港、澳門地區。國外巡演也日益頻繁,先後出訪過歐洲、美洲、亞洲及南美洲的許多國家。此外,中國交響樂團亦致力於提高專業水準、輔助音樂教育及師資培訓、普及交響樂知識、鼓勵和推廣中國交響樂創作、拓展國內外音樂舞臺、促進海內外音樂藝術交流等方面工作,在弘揚和發展中國交響音樂藝術方面一貫起著主導作用。

中國交響樂團還擁有一個具同樣悠久歷史的合唱團,成立于1949年,原為中央音樂學院音樂工作團, 1956年與交響樂團組成中央樂團,現改名為中國交響樂團合唱團,經常到全國及世界各地巡迴演出,為電影、電視錄製音樂,為電臺及唱片公司錄製曲目。目前擁有成員60名,均是國內各高等音樂學院的優秀畢業生。中國交響樂團是中國唯一擁有合唱團的職業交響樂團,其演出一般也均列入中國交響樂團演出季的演出中。

In the contemporary history of Chinese symphonic music, Chen Zuo Huangshi is an inescapable important figure. This artist, who was honored by the international symphonic music circle as early as the 1980s as "having the authority to stand in front of any orchestra", had set off a wave of reforms at the National Symphony Orchestra of China (hereinafter referred to as "NSO") in the 1990s with great courage, and left in 2000 at the peak of the storm. In the 1990s, the artist had initiated the reform of the National Symphony Orchestra of China (hereinafter referred to as "NSO") with great courage, and then he left the orchestra in 2000, which was criticized by the media at that time as "leaving a sad back to the development of symphony music in China". However, this backstage figure has since frequently turned his back on the development of China's symphonic music industry. Engaged in one of the most complicated professions in the human world, and reaching the holy realm of music that only very few people can reach, this elegant and refined artist did not mention the word "loneliness". While wielding a small baton, his heart is filled with a worldly feeling. The development of China's symphonic music industry, Chen Zohuang Huang said he has a kind of "the rise and fall of the country, everyone is responsible for" sense of mission, although "engaged in the music industry only, but if a problem was I saw, thought of, I'm afraid I will not go to avoid it."

In 1996, Chen Zuo Huangshi refused two state-level orchestras in the United States to renew the contract, returned to Beijing, and like-minded people, in the original Central Orchestra based on the establishment of the China National Symphony Orchestra, as Artistic Director, 4 years after he left, the National Symphony Orchestra deservedly became China's first, first-class symphony orchestra in Asia. He returned to Shanghai to become the Artistic Director of the reorganized Shanghai Philharmonic Orchestra; over the past few years, the Shanghai Philharmonic Orchestra, under the leadership of Chen Zohuang Huang, has been moving towards the goal of "an orchestra that does not play perfect notes, but rather one that is full of life, color, and individuality".

Because of his devotion, his left hand was cut by the silver baton held by his right hand, what we didn't expect was that even though it wasn't an official performance, Chen Zohuang didn't mean to stop, but instructed everyone to ignore what was outside of the music, and his hands continued to jump up and down powerfully. By the end of the movement, his sheet music had been dyed red.

Every time before leading a domestic orchestra to perform overseas, Chen Zuo Huangshi always puts a lot of effort into selecting music, hoping to present Chinese music better on the international stage. After leaving the National Symphony Orchestra, he has been invited to more than 20 countries and regions as the guest conductor of more than 30 symphony orchestras. For him, this is the best opportunity to understand the world of music, and to absorb the essence of music and art from all over the world. His passionate, rigorous and charismatic conducting has been appreciated and loved by audiences and musicians from all over the world. What is even more remarkable is his tireless efforts in popularizing music and introducing new works and new talents of the Chinese Symphony Orchestra to the world. 

The China National Symphony Orchestra, also known as the National Symphony Orchestra of China, is a music performing organization directly under the Ministry of Culture of the People's Republic of China, and is one of the most outstanding professional symphony orchestras in China. It is one of the best professional symphony orchestras in China. Its predecessor, the Central Orchestra, was founded in 1956, and was reorganized and renamed the National Symphony Orchestra of China in 1996.

The Symphony Orchestra performs classical, romantic, modern and contemporary symphonic works, many of which have been premiered by the orchestra in China and around the world. The Symphony Orchestra tours extensively in China, visiting more than 40 cities in 30 provinces and autonomous regions, as well as Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macau. Overseas tours are also increasingly frequent, having visited many countries in Europe, America, Asia and South America. In addition, the CSO is committed to raising professional standards, supplementing music education and teacher training, popularizing symphonic knowledge, encouraging and promoting Chinese symphonic creations, expanding domestic and overseas music stages, and promoting musical exchanges at home and abroad, etc. The CSO has been playing a leading role in the promotion and development of the Chinese symphonic music art.

CPSO also has a chorus with a similarly long history. Founded in 1949 as the Music Work Group of the Central Conservatory of Music, the group formed the Central Orchestra with the Symphony Orchestra in 1956, and is now renamed the China National Symphony Orchestra Chorus. The group tours the country and the world frequently, recording music for films and television, and music for radio and record labels. Currently, it has 60 members, all of whom are outstanding graduates from various music colleges in China. The China Symphony Orchestra is the only professional symphony orchestra in China with a choir, and its performances are usually included in the China Symphony Orchestra's season.

序号 曲目名稱 藝術家 時間 試聽
01 序曲 現代舞劇《紅色娘子軍》選曲 0:58
Prelude Excerpt From Dance Red Women Army
02 紅色娘子軍連歌 現代舞劇《紅色娘子軍》選曲 1:27
Company Song Of Red Women Army Excerpt From Dance Red Women Army
03 娘子軍操練 現代舞劇《紅色娘子軍》選曲 3:38
Drilling Of Red Women Army Excerpt From Dance Red Women Army
04 清華訴苦 現代舞劇《紅色娘子軍》選曲 4:10
Qinghua Complaining Excerpt From Dance Red Women Army
05 清華參軍 現代舞劇《紅色娘子軍》選曲 1:57
Qinghua Joining In The Army Excerpt From Dance Red Women Army
06 女戰士和炊事班長的故事 現代舞劇《紅色娘子軍》選曲 2:25
The Dance Of Woman Soldier and Monitor In Cooking Team Excerpt From Dance Red Women Army
07 鄉親慰問紅軍 現代舞劇《紅色娘子軍》選曲 5:55
The People Condoling The Red Army Excerpt From Dance Red Women Army
08 紅軍戰士集體舞 現代舞劇《紅色娘子軍》選曲 1:21
Collective Dance Of Red Army Excerpt From Dance Red Women Army
09 終曲 現代舞劇《紅色娘子軍》選曲 4:40
The Finale Excerpt From Dance Red Women Army
10 北風吹•窗花舞 现代舞剧《白毛女》选曲 2:57
The Wind Blowing From North•Dance Of Paper Cut For Window Decoration Excerpt From Modern Chinese Ballet The White-haired Girl
11 大紅棗兒送親人 现代舞剧《白毛女》选曲 1:48
The Jujubes Presented To Relatives Excerpt From Modern Chinese Ballet The White-haired Girl
12 喜兒獨舞•喜帶紅頭巾 现代舞剧《白毛女》选曲 2:19
Solo Dance Of Xi’er•Wearing Red Coif Joyfully Excerpt From Modern Chinese Ballet The White-haired Girl
13 太陽出來了 现代舞剧《白毛女》选曲 1:11
The Sun Has Risen Excerpt From Modern Chinese Ballet The White-haired Girl
14 終曲 现代舞剧《白毛女》选曲 1:46
The Finale Excerpt From Modern Chinese Ballet The White-haired Girl
15 序曲:窮人的孩子早當家 《紅燈記》選曲 2:48
The Poor Man's Child Shares The Household Excerpt From The Red Lantern
16 都有一顆紅亮的心 《紅燈記》選曲 1:53
Men With Loyal, Red HeartsBurden Excerpt From The Red Lantern
17 天下事難不倒共產黨員 《紅燈記》選曲 2:15
No Difficulty Can Daunt A Communist Excerpt From The Red Lantern
18 渾身是膽雄赳赳 《紅燈記》選曲
The Wine Fills Me With Courage And Strength Excerpt From Shajia River




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