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  • 專輯名稱:舞台巨人—彭修文中國作品集
  • 專輯編號:HD-225
  • 藝術家:演奏:中國廣播民族樂團 – 指揮:彭修文
  • 音樂風格:中國民樂 器樂
  • 唱片公司:ABC(國際)唱片









彭修文為中國的民族音樂事業做出了巨大的貢獻,他改編、創作的音樂作品達四五百首,包括有《春江花月夜》、《梅花三弄》、《月兒高》、《將軍令》、《流水操》、《步步高》、《彩雲追月》、《花好月圓》、《豐收鑼鼓》、《二泉映月》、《阿細跳月》、《瑤族舞曲》、《亂雲飛》等。他還嘗試把外國名曲用中國傳統樂器來演奏,如《美麗的梭羅河》、《霍拉舞曲》(horo)、和《伐木歌》等,還把貝多芬(Beethoven)(Beethoven)的《雅典的廢墟》(Ruins of Athens)和穆索爾斯基(Mussorgsky)的《圖畫展覽會》以及歐洲近現代音樂如德彪西(Debussy)的《雲》(cloud)和斯特拉文斯基(Stravinsky)的《火鳥》等,改編成大型民族管弦樂作品。擴大了民族樂隊的表現力。






In the contemporary history of Chinese symphonic music, Chen Zuo Huangshi is an inescapable important figure. This artist, who was honored by the international symphonic music circle as early as the 1980s as "having the authority to stand in front of any orchestra", had set off a wave of reforms at the National Symphony Orchestra of China (hereinafter referred to as "NSO") in the 1990s with great courage, and left in 2000 at the peak of the storm. In the 1990s, the artist had initiated the reform of the National Symphony Orchestra of China (hereinafter referred to as "NSO") with great courage, and then he left the orchestra in 2000, which was criticized by the media at that time as "leaving a sad back to the development of symphony music in China". However, this backstage figure has since frequently turned his back on the development of China's symphonic music industry. Engaged in one of the most complicated professions in the human world, and reaching the holy realm of music that only very few people can reach, this elegant and refined artist did not mention the word "loneliness". While wielding a small baton, his heart is filled with a worldly feeling. The development of China's symphonic music industry, Chen Zohuang Huang said he has a kind of "the rise and fall of the country, everyone is responsible for" sense of mission, although "engaged in the music industry only, but if a problem was I saw, thought of, I'm afraid I will not go to avoid it."

In 1996, Chen Zuo Huangshi refused two state-level orchestras in the United States to renew the contract, returned to Beijing, and like-minded people, in the original Central Orchestra based on the establishment of the China National Symphony Orchestra, as Artistic Director, 4 years after he left, the National Symphony Orchestra deservedly became China's first, first-class symphony orchestra in Asia. He returned to Shanghai to become the Artistic Director of the reorganized Shanghai Philharmonic Orchestra; over the years, the Shanghai Philharmonic Orchestra, under the leadership of Chen Zohuang Huang, has been moving towards the goal of "an orchestra that does not play perfect notes, but rather one that is full of life, color, and individuality".

Peng Xiuwen grew up learning the erhu, pipa and other folk instruments, graduated from the Commercial College in 1949, and worked at the Chongqing People's Broadcasting Station in 1950.

In 1952, Peng Xiuwen was transferred to the Central Radio Ethnic Orchestra and became its conductor and composer the following year. With the joint efforts of him and the entire orchestra, he established the first establishment of China's new national orchestra.

In 1957, at the Sixth World Youth Jubilee Arts Competition in Moscow, the National Orchestra under the baton of Peng Xiuwen performed his adaptations of "A Moonlit Night on the Spring River," "The Dance of the Golden Snake," and "Moon over the Mountains," and was awarded the Gold Medal. These pieces have become classics of Chinese folk orchestral music.

In 1981, Peng was invited by the Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra to be its guest conductor. In the same year, he became the Artistic Director of the China National Orchestra of the China Broadcasting Arts Corporation. The following year, he conducted the orchestra in Hong Kong.

In 1983, Peng Xiuwen was appointed as the Director of the China National Orchestra of the China Broadcasting Arts Corporation.

One of the characteristics of Peng Xiuwen's conducting art is "to convey emotions through music". His conducting is delicate and rigorous without losing his passion. Under his baton, the China Broadcasting Arts Orchestra (CBAO) has achieved a very high level of harmony, balance, precision and technique, and has become one of the finest folk orchestras in China.

Peng Xiuwen has made great contributions to China's folk music industry. He has adapted and composed over 400 to 500 pieces of music, including "Moonlit Night of Spring River Flowers," "Three Melodies of Plum Blossoms," "High Moon," "Order of the General," "Drill of Flowing Water," "Step by Step," "Chasing the Moon with Colored Clouds," "Full Flower and Full Moon," "Causeway Drums of the Harvest," "Reflecting the Moon in the Two Fountains," "Ashi Jumping to the Moon," "Dance of the Yao Clan," and "Rambling Clouds Flying," to name but a few. He also attempted to perform famous foreign compositions on traditional Chinese instruments, such as "Beautiful Solo River", "Hora Dance" (horo), and "Logging Song", as well as Beethoven's "Ruins of Athens" and Mussorgsky's "Picture Exhibition", and other modern European compositions such as De Beethoven's "Ruins of Athens" and Mussorgsky's "Pictures in an Exhibition". Modern European music such as Debussy's Cloud and Stravinsky's Firebird were adapted into large-scale folk orchestral works. The performance of the national orchestra was expanded.

After the 1980s, Peng Xiowen composed many large-scale folk music works, including the erhu concerto "The Indomitable Su Wu", the symphonic poem "Water Exercise", "Huai", and "Terracotta Warriors Fantasia", which greatly enriched the Chinese folk music repertoire.

The China Broadcasting National Orchestra (CBNO) is a large-scale national symphony orchestra formed by the reorganization and integration of the former China Broadcasting National Orchestra (CBNO), which was founded in 1953, and the China Film Orchestra (CFO), which was founded in 1949 and is subordinate to the China Broadcasting Arts Orchestra (CBAO). Over the past 40 years, the orchestra has recorded and provided tens of thousands of excellent cultural programs for television and movies, and has frequently toured around the country, with a wide range of influences. The performing groups of the Broadcasting Art Ensemble have gradually developed their own characteristics and strengths in the course of long-term artistic practice.

The Broadcasting National Orchestra is the earliest professional national orchestra established in New China. The late Mr. Peng Xiuwen, a master of folk music, was the director of the Broadcasting National Orchestra for 43 years. After years of exploration, he established a modern Chinese folk symphony orchestra based on Chinese folk music with four voices: plucking, percussion, wind and bowed string. In recent years, under the leadership of young conductor Peng Jiapeng, the orchestra has continued to explore the international market. The choir has won many prizes in major domestic and international competitions, and in 1959, under the baton of conductor Nie Zhongming, the choir gave the first a cappella concert in China, and they have accumulated a number of popular Chinese and foreign choral works.

Over the past 50 years, the China Radio National Orchestra has trained and nurtured many artistic talents, and it is these artists who have worked so hard to make this hall of art colorful. For decades, the artists of the China Broadcasting National Orchestra have been going deep into the life of the people and the grassroots, dedicating their rich and elegant works of literature and art to the great times. They are active in the domestic stage at the same time, but also visited Asia, Europe, Africa, North America and Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and other more than 50 countries and regions, in order to increase cultural exchanges and friendship with the world, for the Chinese culture and art to the world to make unremitting efforts and contributions!

序号 曲目名稱 藝術家 時間 試聽
01 豐收鑼鼓 作曲:彭修文、蔡惠泉 06:30
Bumper Harvest Composer: Peng Xiuwen Cai Huiquan
02 瑤族舞曲 作曲:劉鐵山、茅元 彭修文改編 06:25
Dance of the Yao People Composer: Liu Tieshan, Mao Yuan Adaptor:Peng Xiuwen
03 青松嶺 施萬春曲 彭修文改編 02:26
The Pine Ridge Composer: Shi Wanchun Adaptor: Peng Xiuwen
04 美麗的梭羅河(笛子:李增光領奏) 印尼民歌 彭修文改編 06:18
Begawan Solo (flute: Li Zengguang lead ) Indonesia Folk Song Adaptor:Peng Xiuwen
05 漁鄉組曲-漁家兒女 彭修文編曲 04:06
Yuxiang Suite- The Sons and Daughters of The Fishman Composer: Peng Xiuwen
06 彩雲追月 任光曲 彭修文編曲 03:33
Colorful Clouds Chasing The Moon Composer: Ren Guang Peng Xiuwen
07 達姆達姆 阿爾及利亞民歌 彭修文改編 04:45
Dum Dum Algeria Folk Adaptor: Peng Xiuwen
08 月兒高(琵琶:俞良模領奏) 古曲 彭修文編曲 13:20
The Moon Is High In the Sky Classical Music Composer: Peng Xiuwen
09 尼泊爾舞曲 尼泊爾民歌 彭修文改編 05:12
Nepal's Dance Music Nepal Folk Adaptor:Peng Xiuwen
10 江河水(管子:李國英領奏) 民間樂曲 彭修文改編 09:23
River of Sorrow(Pipe: Li Guoying lead) Folk Adaptor: Peng Xiuwen
11 二泉映月(二胡:張方鳴獨奏) 華彥鈞曲 彭修文改編 06:40
Two Springs Reflect The Moon Composer: Hua Yanjun Adaptor: Peng Xiuwen
12 陜北組曲(板胡:姜克美領奏) 作曲:马克 改编: 彭修文 06:28
North Shanxi Suite Composer: Mark Adaptor: Peng Xiuwen




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