在吉普賽文化和安達盧西亞文化交流的過程中,吉普賽人們就已經在演奏弗拉門戈音樂時加上了吉他,增强了節奏色彩,孕育出早期弗拉門戈音樂的雛形。最初的弗拉門戈音樂,多以歌唱爲主,吉他主要是伴奏,而很少用來獨奏。後來經弗拉門戈大師拉蒙.蒙托雅(Ramón Montoya)的大膽改革,將古典吉它與弗拉門戈音樂技巧相結合,充實幷發展了吉它的表現力,最終形成了具有獨特風格的弗拉門戈吉它。所以在弗拉門戈的發展中,即使十九世紀的後半葉(也就是所謂弗拉門戈黃金年代),弗拉門戈演出都尚未有專屬的吉他,常用的不是昂貴的Finas,就是便宜素材做成的六弦琴。直到二十世紀初,才誕生了弗拉門戈吉他。弗拉門戈吉他在外觀上與古典吉他相似也使用尼龍弦,但背板與側板用料不同,琴弦與面板之間的距離也不同等等。傳統的弗拉門戈吉他是使用柏木做背、側板,白松做面板 (用柏木做背、側板可以獲得明亮、富有顆粒感的音色),小提琴式的摩擦弦鈕,琴距也比古典吉他低。
帕科·德盧西亞(Paco de Lucia,1947-2014),是世界上最優秀的弗拉門戈吉他演奏家之一,七歲便能彈奏佛朗明哥吉他,十二歲開始灌錄唱片,青少年時期贏得數項比賽之冠,十三歲跟著Jose Greco的佛朗明哥樂團巡迴國際表演。他可以說只手改變了弗拉門戈的演奏風潮,他不僅秉承Nino de Ricardo的粗獷强烈情緒表達,更融合了Ramon Montoya這個古典派的音樂概念與細膩技巧。他率先將吉他位置放低到大腿上,給了樂手更多表現空間。他以驚人的picado(快速斷音)、新的而且速度奇快的alzapua與rasquaedo(刷弦)手法。除此之外,他還不斷將其他音樂形式的元素加入到佛朗明哥中(譬如拉丁美洲音樂、爵士樂的的音階與和弦概念等)。他被評爲是當代最好的弗拉門戈吉他手之一,也是將傳統西班牙音樂現代化的功臣。
出生于美國的當代吉他一代宗師艾爾迪·米歐拉 Al Di Meol肆業于著名的伯克萊音樂學院(Berklee College of Music),而他的音樂理想是將他對音樂的洞察力以切分音的節奏概念演繹音樂作品,風格與原作有極大的差异。Al Di Meol的吉他演奏技巧爐火純青,被視爲現今佳演奏家之一,Al Di Meola還是融入了他擅長的Flamenco元素、豐富而充滿新意的即興變奏,以及超技眩目却又駕馭自如的演奏技巧,呈現出嶄新的可聽性。
Spanish guitar has a very long history, as early as the thirteenth century, from the Persian language gradually evolved into the Spanish language guitar word has been formed. As the Arabs had
already occupied the southern part of the Iberian Peninsula, the guitar was divided into "Moorish guitar" and "Latin guitar". The Moorish guitar body for the oval back bulge, the use of metal strings,
playing style is more rugged; Latin guitar body and modern guitar similar to the figure of eight flat bottom structure, the use of sheep intestine strings, elegant style. And the earliest guitar music is by
the thirteenth century when King Alfonso X of Castile began to sprout. In the fifteenth century, the Ruthenian guitar began to rise, so that the original Arabian guitar was gradually eliminated, and the
Latin guitar evolved into the Bevila. In the sixteenth century, the Bivera changed to be played by fingers directly touching the strings, and it was widely spread among the royals and nobles. The most
popular period in Spain was between 1535 and 1578. The lute also laid the foundation for classical music in the 16th century, and still occupies a place in the category of hand-held stringed
instruments. Before the Renaissance, the development of the hand-held stringed instrument was relatively weak. With the continuous creation and improvement of musicians. During the Renaissance,
in the sixteenth century, the promotion of the lute and bivera reached an unprecedented level. A number of musicians and composers emerged. During the Baroque period, the Spanish guitar became
very popular among the people due to its ease of playing. Later on, the classical guitar was improved and finalized.
In the process of exchanges between Gypsy and Andalusian cultures, Gypsies already added guitars to their flamenco music, enhancing the rhythmic colors and giving birth to the early prototype
of flamenco music. Initially, the flamenco music, most of the main singing, the guitar is mainly accompanied, and rarely used for solo. Later, the flamenco master Ramón. Ramón Montoya, the flamenco
master, boldly reformed the classical guitar by combining it with flamenco music techniques, which enriched and developed the expressive power of the guitar, and finally formed the flamenco guitar
with a unique style. Therefore, in the development of flamenco, even in the second half of the 19th century (the so-called golden age of flamenco), there was not yet a dedicated guitar for flamenco
performances, and the common instruments used were either expensive finas or six-stringed lutes made of inexpensive materials. It was not until the early 20th century that the flamenco guitar was
born. Flamenco guitars are similar in appearance to classical guitars in that they use nylon strings, but the back and sides are made of different materials, and the distance between the strings and
the top is different. Traditional flamenco guitars have cypress backs and sides, white pine tops (cypress backs and sides give a bright, grainy tone), friction fittings in the style of a violin, and a lower
spacing than classical guitars.
Paco de Lucia (1947-2014), one of the world's finest flamenco guitarists, was able to play flamenco guitar at the age of seven, began recording at the age of twelve, won several competitions as
a teenager, and at the age of thirteen was touring internationally with Jose Greco's flamenco orchestra. He changed the style of flamenco with his own hands. He not only adopted the rough and strong
emotional expression of Nino de Ricardo, but also fused it with the musical concepts and subtleties of Ramon Montoya, a classical musician. He was the first to lower his guitar to his thighs, giving the
musicians more room for expression. He has also introduced the amazing picado (fast breaks), the new and fast alzapua and rasquaedo (brushing). In addition to this, he continues to incorporate
elements from other forms of music into his flamenco (e.g. Latin American music, jazz scales and chordal concepts, etc.). He is regarded as one of the best contemporary flamenco guitarists and is
credited with modernizing traditional Spanish music.
Born in the United States, contemporary guitarist Al Di Meola Al Di Meol studied at the prestigious Berklee College of Music (Berklee College of Music), and his musical vision is to bring his musical
insight to syncopated rhythmic concepts to interpret the musical works, the style is very different from the original works. Considered one of today's best players, Al Di Meola's guitar work is a fresh
take on Flamenco, with rich and innovative improvisations, and a dazzling, yet controlled virtuosity.
The collaboration between the two puts a new spin on the pure classics, a return to the basics, with the lead guitar flamboyant and the backing guitars stuttering and jumping with a chic clarity,
sweetness and elegance.
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