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最美的鋼琴 – 阿圖爾·魯賓斯坦

最美的鋼琴 – 阿圖爾·魯賓斯坦

唱片編號: HDS-294 - 有現貨
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  • 專輯名稱:最美的鋼琴 - 阿圖爾·魯賓斯坦
  • 專輯編號:HDS-294
  • 藝術家:阿圖爾·魯賓斯坦
  • 音樂風格:古典 器樂
  • 唱片公司:ABC(國際)唱片

在20世纪的钢琴艺术史上,有一位大师的光芒异常璀璨:为了表彰他对表演艺术的杰出贡献,美国政府曾授予他自由勋章;英国王室曾授予他二级骑士勋位;荷兰皇室曾赐予他荷兰拿索骑士团荣誉,并将一种新培植的郁金香以其名命名;1971 年,他荣获丹麦年度音乐奖与法国雷吉昂·德·努彭勋章;1972年,他又获得法国艺术院院士头衔…这位集诸多光环于一身的钢琴大师便是:美国《时代》周刊在评选20世纪最为杰出的四大钢琴演奏家时名列榜首的现代钢琴泰斗、美籍波兰钢琴家阿图尔·鲁宾斯坦(Artur Rubinstein,1887—1982年)。






In the history of the piano in the 20th century, there is one master who has shone exceptionally brightly: in recognition of his outstanding contribution to the performing arts, the United States government awarded him the Medal of Freedom; the British Crown conferred on him a second degree of knighthood; the Dutch Crown honored him with the Knights of the Order of the Netherlands of Nassau, naming a newly planted tulip in his honor; in 1971 he was honored with the Danish Music Prize of the Year and the Order of Régislé de Noupen; and in 1972 he was awarded the title of Academician of the French Academy of Arts…. In 1971, he was awarded the Danish Music Prize of the Year and the French Order of Région de Nupont; in 1972, he was made a member of the French Academy of Fine Arts… This master pianist, with all his aura of glory, is the Polish-American Artur Rubinstein (1887-1982), one of the great masters of the modern piano who tops the list of the four most outstanding pianists of the twentieth century, as chosen by the American weekly magazine "Time". Artur Rubinstein (1887-1982).

Rubinstein has a remarkable musical endowment and a pair of big hands beyond the ordinary people, it is because of this pair of hands on the keyboard can reach 12 degrees of the natural gift, so that he was able to exert his breathtaking virtuosity at will. Rubinstein had a great ability to read music and an extraordinary memory, and it is said that he could store the scores of hundreds of pieces in his mind. No matter what composer he was playing, he could perform it on stage with a little sight-reading; and even if it was an unfamiliar and out-of-the-way work, he could easily present it in a recital by reading the score a few times on his way to the next concert. He says, "The score goes page by page in my head as I play, and I can even see the coffee stains on the score." His prodigious talent and abundance of energy often astounded and had to be marveled at.

Rubinstein was a very versatile pianist. He was a deep student of the works of composers from different eras and countries and was able to play them with equal splendor. His playing was rough and delicate, his tone bright and magnificent, and his interpretations of the music were always characterized by a noble temperament and a characteristic romance.

Rubinstein's understanding of Chopin's music is authoritative, and his performances of Chopin are unprecedented treasures, with the power and passion of the Polish people flowing from his fingertips. It has been said that when Rubinstein was interpreting Chopin's works, rather than interpreting Chopin, he was using Chopin's notes to express his attachment to his homeland. From this point of view, Rubinstein's interpretation is indeed more than others a candid. The famous conductor and pianist Barenboim once commented on Rubinstein's performance in an interview: "It was Rubinstein who made me understand Chopin. One of the pieces he often played at the beginning of the program was Chopin's Fantasy in F Minor, and his noble, grandiose style of playing contrasted sharply with the morbid, sentimental Chopin style that was popular at the time, which was like suffering from tuberculosis. Rubinstein's treatment was very masculine, and he played the music with a nobility and grandeur that I can't find a better word for."

Rubinstein is a landmark figure in the history of Chopin's musical performance. His melodious and beautiful piano sound is more than capable of bringing people to the "piano poet" in a poetic idyll. Before him, people's eyes Chopin seems to be only a tender, fragile, self-pitying image of the salon pianist, but in Rubinstein's fingers, outlined by the Romantic master of the piano is full of vitality, full of vitality of the real soul. In his performance of Chopin's "Nocturne", the dreamlike poetry, as if floating from the vast sky, sound moist and dense, long and far-reaching mood, both with the "night" of the quiet consistent with the quiet and warm, but also the rhythm of the rhythm of the change, elasticity and tension of the life of the leap, coupled with the natural flow of a certain improvisation and fantasy style of free play, the piano is full of vigor. In addition, there is a kind of improvisation and fantasy style of free play, which depicts Chopin's empathy and spiritual projection of the night in the most unrestrained and unobstructed way, sounding full of flavor and fascinating to the extreme. In addition, Chopin's Polonaises, Mazurkas, Harmonies, and Impromptus have also been interpreted by Rubinstein in such a way that his name has become almost synonymous with Chopin.

Although he is known as "the most authentic Chopin", Rubinstein's repertoire is not limited to this, his choice of repertoire is very wide, and all of them are unique due to his very creative interpretation. His interpretation of Beethoven, in particular, is a perfect synthesis of his transcendental poetry, his vivid inspiration and vitality, and his boundless imagination. In his later years, Rubinstein's virtuoso technique was characterized by the light of humanity and the sincerity and warmth of his voice. When the notes from his fingertips like water cascading out, what we feel is Rubinstein's noble temperament, that lofty romantic feelings contained in the aristocratic atmosphere and heroic momentum, by no means the general taste of the performers can reach.

序号 曲目名稱 藝術家 時間 試聽
01 谐谑曲Op.31 No.2 作曲:肖邦 09:57
Scherzo Op.31 No.2 Composer:Chopin
02 华丽大圆舞曲, Op.18 作曲:肖邦 05:44
Grand Waltz Brilliante Op.18 Composer:Chopin
03 玛祖卡舞曲Op.24 No.2 作曲:肖邦 02:30
Mazurka Op.24 No.2 Composer:Chopin
04 玛祖卡舞曲Op.7 No.1 作曲:肖邦 02:29
Mazurka Op.7 No.1 Composer:Chopin
05 华尔兹舞曲Op.64 No.2 作曲:肖邦 03:50
Waltz Op.64 No.2 Composer:Chopin
06 夜曲Op.9 No.1 作曲:肖邦 06:16
Nocturne Op.9 No.1 Composer:Chopin
07 波洛奈兹舞曲Op.40 No.1 作曲:肖邦 05:45
Polonaise Op.40 No.1 Composer:Chopin
08 幻想即兴曲Op.66 作曲:肖邦 05:04
Fantasy-Impromptu Op.66 Composer:Chopin
09 四季Op 37b – 二月:狂欢节 作曲:柴可夫斯基 02:42
The Seasons Op 37b – February:Carnival Composer:Tchaikovsky
10 四季Op 37b – 六月:船歌 作曲:柴可夫斯基 04:47
The Seasons Op 37b - June:Barcarolle Composer:Tchaikovsky
11 四季Op 37b – 十一月:雪橇 作曲:柴可夫斯基 03:06
The Seasons Op 37b – November:Troika Composer:Tchaikovsky
12 憂傷圓舞曲Op 51 – 6 作曲:柴可夫斯基 04:54
Sentimental Waltz Op 51 – 6 Composer:Tchaikovsky
13 升c小调第十四钢琴奏鸣曲Op. 27 N. 2 - 迟延的柔板 作曲:贝多芬 06:49
Piano Sonata N. 14 in C Sharp Minor Op. 27 N. 2 - Adagio Sostenuto Composer:Beethoven
14 升c小调第十四钢琴奏鸣曲Op. 27 N. 2 - 小快板 作曲:贝多芬 02:25
Piano Sonata N. 14 in C Sharp Minor Op. 27 N. 2 - Allegretto et Trio Composer:Beethoven
15 升c小调第十四钢琴奏鸣曲Op. 27 N. 2 - 激烈的急板 作曲:贝多芬 07:50
Piano Sonata N. 14 in C Sharp Minor Op. 27 N. 2 - Presto Agitato Composer:Beethoven


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