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  • 專輯名稱:極致立體聲五號—絕對人聲
  • 專輯編號:HD-098
  • 藝術家:衆藝術家
  • 音樂風格:發燒試音
  • 唱片公司:ABC(國際)唱片

      極致美聲,與您分享,不管是爵士樂、民謠、美聲,或是純淨之聲,我們都堅持呈現最好的聲音和最好的錄音,絕對不辜負您的耳朵。  我們集音樂之大成,從上千首的歌曲中挑選做成這個發燒人聲的精選專輯,真是項艱巨的工作,可以稱得上是極致美聲的「希望工程」,一項最美麗的音樂工程。 

      生命般的輕鬆歌唱,展現出特殊的音色變化與美感,原因無他,錄音效果實在太驚人了。光是那種活靈活現的形體感就少有其他錄音能與之匹敵,彷佛 讓人直接感受到演唱時嘴唇那種迷人的逼真質感,綿長的伴奏旋律還有空間中激起的殘響等等,都是人聲錄音的最高水準。當然,除了主唱外,伴奏編制不大的樂團 均勻的分佈在整個音場中,音場的寬度令到聆聽室的牆壁都似乎被蒸發了。
        長久以來,攝影一直是我的愛好,和錄音一樣,攝影同樣是在完成“記錄”的功能,快門的喀嚓聲僅是第一步,照片的沖洗和後期處理往往比按下快門更能決定一幅 作品的成敗,攝影是理性和感性的結合,音樂和錄音亦是如此。作曲家在作品中抒發情感的途徑無不遵循一定的規則,理性的規則,巴赫工整的對位元、貝多芬嚴謹 的結構…… 

      錄音是一件很奇妙的事,需要具備許多方面的知識,例如聲學、電學、電腦、戲劇、音樂等等,麥克風收錄現場的聲音,僅是開始,緊接而來的混音和 母帶處理更不容馬虎,不僅要掌握原有收錄的聲音品質,同時必須拿出製作人所要求的精神與內涵,考驗從業者本身的藝術、哲學與音樂等的素養。最後是母帶後期 製作,對這一範疇的工程師有很高的要求,因為他已經跳脫對內容本身的關注,對聲音挑剔到無以附加的地步,要為錄音出版做最後的品質管理,確保該唱片在任何 機器與環境播放時有平均的聲音表現,同時要對錄音過程中產生的雜訊處理到近乎不存在,或將混音與剪接過程所失去的顏色和清晰度加以補償,確保其訊號的完整 性,這樣的工作需要一位不僅懂錄音、熟悉混音製作的錄音師,更重要的他必須有比前者更挑剔的聽覺敏銳度,對專業設備的系統架構概念更勝於對器材的操作。立 體聲的價值在於向聽者傳達錄音空間的三維感和發聲物體的實體感,在多聲道環繞聲大行其道的今天,唯有立體聲才能正確重現現場的透視結構,因此,雙聲道立體 聲的地位無法被取代。
      ABC(國際)唱片與我有過多次愉快的合作,什麼才是優秀的唱片錄音?這是我們在交流過程中,最常討論的問題,讓樂器出聲很簡單,但是讓樂器 發出美妙的聲音絕不易,以錄音師的角度而言,唱片製作的難度如同演奏樂器,能否在唱片中聽到每一件樂器的聲音?空間的聲音?音樂中的每一個元素都有其自身 的聲學空間位置,同時還要注意頻率回應的平衡。
      《極致立體聲》系列醞釀已久,我希望能通過這五張唱片向亞洲音響發燒友表達我心中優秀錄音的定義。在選曲上,以我最熟悉的歐洲古典音樂為主——動態淩厲的 管弦交響、沁人心脾的美妙歌喉和舒緩雅致的夜曲,亦收錄了善於營造溫馨浪漫情調的用JAZZ手法改編的古典樂曲。
    Jacques Maritain在《道德哲學》中提到:人類的感官世界由迷醉我們的溫馨和快樂組成,我渴望用這系列唱片驗證這句至理名言。

Ultimate sound, to share with you.No matter it's Jazz, Folk, Americana, or Pure Sound, we insist on presenting the best sound and the best recordings, and we will never let your ears down.  It was a daunting task for us to select from thousands of songs to make this audiophile album, a "project of hope" for the ultimate beauty of the voice, a most beautiful musical project.

The life-like and relaxed singing shows a special tone variation and beauty, for no other reason, the recording effect is really amazing. The vivid physicality of the recording alone is unmatched by any other recording, as if one could directly feel the fascinatingly realistic texture of the singing lips, the long backing melody, and the reverberations in the space, etc., are all of the highest level of vocal recording. Of course, apart from the lead singer, the small orchestra was evenly distributed throughout the soundstage, which was so wide that the walls of the listening room seemed to have been vaporized.

Photography has long been a hobby of mine, and just like recording, photography also fulfills the function of "recording". The click of the shutter is only the first step, and the development and post-processing of the photographs are often more decisive than pressing the shutter in determining the success of a piece of work, and photography is a combination of rationality and sensibility, as are music and recording. Composers express their emotions in their works by following certain rules, rational rules, such as Bach's neatly organized counterpoint and Beethoven's strict structure. ……

Recording is a wonderful thing, and requires knowledge of many aspects, such as acoustics, electricity, computers, theater, music, etc. Microphone recording of live sound is only the beginning, followed by mixing and mastering is not to be taken lightly, not only do we need to master the quality of the original recording, but we also need to come up with the spirit and connotation of the producer's requirements, testing the practitioner's own artistic, philosophical and musical qualities. The final stage of mastering is the post-production stage. Finally, there is mastering post-production. Engineers in this field have very high requirements, because they have already broken away from the concern for the content itself, and they are so picky about the sound that they can't afford to add anything else. They have to do the final quality management for the recording and publishing, to make sure that the recordings will have an average acoustic performance when played on any kind of equipment and environment, and at the same time, they have to deal with the noise generated during the recording process to the extent that it is nearly non-existent, or to deal with the loss of color and definition caused by the mixing and editing process. To ensure the integrity of the signal by compensating for the loss of color and clarity during the mixing and editing process, such a job requires a sound recordist who not only knows how to record and is familiar with mixing, but also, and more importantly, who has a more discerning ear than the former, and who has a better understanding of the concepts of the system architecture of the professional equipment than the operation of the equipment. The value of stereo is to convey to the listener the three-dimensional sense of recording space and the physicality of the sounding object. In today's world of multi-channel surround sound, only stereo can correctly reproduce the perspective structure of the scene, therefore, the position of two-channel stereo can not be replaced.

ABC (International) Records and I have had many happy collaborations, what is a good recording? This is the most common question we discussed during the communication process. It's easy to make an instrument sound good, but it's not easy to make an instrument sound good. From a recording engineer's point of view, the difficulty of recording is just like playing a musical instrument, can you hear the sound of each instrument in the recording? Is it possible to hear the sound of each instrument on the record? Each element of the music has its own acoustic spatial position, and at the same time the frequency response has to be balanced.

The "Ultimate Stereo" series has been in the making for a long time, and I hope that through these five albums, I can express to Asian audiophiles the definition of a good recording in my mind. The selection of music is based on the European classical music that I am most familiar with – dynamic orchestral symphonies, beautiful singing and soothing nocturnes, as well as classical music adapted in jazz style, which is good at creating a warm and romantic mood.

Jacques Maritain's "Moral Philosophy" states that the world of the senses consists of the warmth and pleasure that enchants us, and I aspire to test this maxim with this collection.

序号 曲目名稱 藝術家 時間 試聽
01 聖母瑪利亞 合唱 04:26
Madona Choral
02 美女與野獸 演唱:蘇珊•奧斯本 03:35
Beauty And The Beast Singer:Susan Osborn
03 更遠 演唱:蘭迪•特拉維斯 03:48
Farther Along Singer:Randy Travis
04 精彩世界 演唱:伊娃•卡斯蒂 05:12
What A Wonderful World Singer:Eva Cassidy
05 星塵 演唱:納京高 03:26
Stardust Singer:Nat King Cole
06 我和我的心 演唱:夏洛特•蘭普林 03:07
My Heart And I Singer:Charlotte Rampling
07 海枯石爛 演唱:當•威廉姆斯 03:30
Till The Rivers All Run Dry Singer:Don Williams
08 如此美好 演唱:斯特西•肯特 / 吉姆•湯姆林森 04:43
So Nice Singer:Stacey Kent & Jim Tomlinson
09 愛爾蘭的微笑 演唱:羅傑•惠特克 02:46
When Irish Eyes Are Smiling Singer:Roger Whittaker
10 地心引力 演唱:愛麗森•克勞斯與聯合車站 03:48
Gravity Singer:Alison Krauss & Union Station
11 如果 演唱:瑪里安娜•蕾布拉西 02:41
If Singer:Marianna Leporace
12 你今晚的樣子 演唱:提姆•玉城 03:17
The Way You Look Tonight Singer:Tim Tamashiro
13 祝你聖誕快樂 演唱:李•安•沃瑪克 04:39
Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas Singer:Lee Ann Womack
14 依瑪女孩 演唱:V•D•莫拉埃斯 05:32
The Girl From Ipanema Singer:V.D. Moraes
15 奔放的旋律 演唱:歌劇男主角 04:00
Unchained Melody Singer:IL Divo


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    7.     你們采用的比特率為多少


    8.     MP3文件用什麽播放


    9.     為什麽不是ABC(國際)唱片發行的所有唱片都支持下載



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