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  • 專輯名稱:絲綢之路
  • 專輯編號:HD-167
  • 藝術家:衆藝術家
  • 音樂風格:中國音樂 器樂
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       19世紀末德國的地理學家李希德·霍芬在中國的甘肅省和新疆維吾爾自治區考察時,看到從東面來的商隊,便想這是否就是古代運送絲織品的通道呢?他在其所著 的《中國》一書的第一卷中第一次將這條路命名為“絲綢之路”,此後這句話便被廣泛地用於泛指古代連接東西方兩個世界的貿易之路。
在中國,秦朝滅亡以後。漢朝建立了統一的中國,漢朝從建立之初就背負著與匈奴鬥爭的使命。匈奴經常襲擊漢朝的北部疆域,以致於發生了漢高祖劉邦在山西 白登山被圍事件。自此以來,漢朝對匈奴採取和親政策,贈送許多物品,並下嫁了王女。西元前159年,漢武帝即位,此時,漢朝國內安定,經濟繁榮,漢武帝便 開始採取積極的對外政策。其一是計畫擊敗匈奴,保持北部邊疆的安定。其二是相與西方通商。要實施這個政策就必須與大月氏結成聯盟。西元前138年,張騫與 匈奴出身的甘父帶領百十來人從長安出發,在出了漢朝疆域後不久便被匈奴捕獲。匈奴單于讓張騫娶了匈奴女子為妻,流放于漠北草原。但是他卻一直沒有忘記自己 作為漢朝使者的使命,最後終於找到機會逃了出來,綺過大宛、康居,終於到達了已在阿姆河流域定居建國的大月氏,可是,到了大月氏之後才發現大月氏已經滿足 於這塊水草豐美的地方,已失掉了向匈奴復仇的意志。張騫在大月氏呆了一年以後,見遊說不成便踏上了歸途,途中又被匈奴捉住,1年以後,匈奴發生內亂,張騫 乘機逃脫,於西元前126年,也就是出發13年後,終於返回了長安。與大月氏結成聯盟的目的雖然沒有達到,但張騫卻帶回了有關西域的很多情報。漢武帝被張 騫報告裡所述的有關西域的各種珍奇物產所吸引,特別是被譽為“天馬”的大宛產的汗血馬。對喜歡駿馬的漢武帝來說最具吸引力。此後,在擊敗匈奴後,張騫於西 元前119年再次出使西域,抵達烏孫,為開闢通商作出了重大貢獻。
現在,我們常見的葡萄、苜蓿、胡麻、黃瓜、胡椒、胡桃等,據說都是張騫所帶來回來的東西。此外,經過張騫所開闢的這條通商道路傳來了各種各樣的東西。 漢武帝所喜愛的大宛馬自不必說,還有地毯、毛織物、藍寶石、寶石、金銀器、玻璃製品、珍珠、土爾其石、以及羅馬、波斯的銀幣等,此外西元前後由中亞傳來的 佛教,以及漢明帝時,由西域來訪的僧侶所穇譯的佛綺、建造的寺院等。
漢朝時在西域地區設置了西域督護府,其勢力範圍幾乎包括了中亞全部。但是在前漢趨於衰退之時,代之而起的是十幾年後興起的後漢。在後漢時代,班超、班 勇父子兩人威震西域,奪回了曾一度被匈奴所佔據的西域,重新設置了西域督護府。班超巧妙地運用外交和武力手段,使五十多個城邦國家服屬後漢,這樣,在平定 了中亞之後,絲路上地交通與貿易進一步趨於繁榮。
西元1368年,明朝建立,控制著河西走廊及哈密一帶,中亞一帶則被控制在自稱為成吉思汗後裔的鐵木爾帝國手中,鐵木爾一生征戰,建立了一個東起中國 北部邊境,南抵印度北部,西至小城邦國家,北至俄國南部的大帝國。鐵木爾王朝熱心于建設華麗的建築,表現了對學識和藝術的深刻理解,首都撒瑪律汗就是集東 西方文化之大成之地。但是,鐵木爾帝國在遠征中國途中,隨著鐵木爾君主之死,快速走向衰退,絲路上的遊牧民族也由盛至衰,絲路貿易也趨於敗落。

In the late 19th century, when the German geographer Richthofen was on a study tour in Gansu Province and Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region of China, he saw caravans coming from the east and wondered if this was the ancient route for the transportation of silk fabrics. In the first volume of his book "China", he named this road the "Silk Road" for the first time, and since then, this phrase has been widely used to refer to the ancient trade route linking the East and the West.

In China, after the fall of the Qin Dynasty, the Han Dynasty established a unified China. From the very beginning of the Han Dynasty, the Han Dynasty was tasked with the mission of fighting against the Xiongnu (Huns). The Xiongnu frequently attacked the northern border of the Han Dynasty, resulting in the siege of Liu Bang, the founder of the Han Dynasty, at Mount Baideng in Shanxi Province. Since then, the Han Dynasty adopted a policy of peace with the Xiongnu, giving them many gifts and marrying off their daughters. In 159 B.C., Emperor Wu of Han Dynasty took the throne. At this time, the Han Dynasty was stable and economically prosperous, so Emperor Wu began to adopt positive foreign policies. Firstly, he planned to defeat the Xiong Nu (匈奴) and maintain the stability of the northern border. The second was to engage in trade with the West. To implement this policy, it was necessary to form an alliance with the Great Lunar Clan. In 138 B.C., Zhang Qian set out from Chang'an with a group of about a hundred men led by Gan Fu, a Hun, and was captured by the Huns soon after he left the Han territory. The Xiongnu monarch made Zhang Qian marry a Xiongnu woman and exiled him to the northern steppe of the desert. However, he never forgot his mission as an emissary of the Han Dynasty and finally found a chance to escape. He passed through Dawan and Kangju, and finally reached the Dayuezhi, which had already settled down in the Amu Darya River Valley. However, after arriving at the Dayuezhi, he realized that the Dayuezhi had already been contented with this place of rich water and grass and lost the will to avenge themselves against the Xiongnu. After staying in Dayuezhi for one year and seeing that his lobbying had failed, he set off for home, and was captured by the Xiongnu on the way. One year later, when the Xiongnu were in civil unrest, Zhang took the opportunity to escape and finally returned to Chang'an in 126 B.C.E., that is, 13 years after he had set out on his journey. Though the purpose of forming an alliance with the Greater Lunar Clan was not achieved, Zhang Wei brought back a lot of information about the Western Regions. Emperor Wu was attracted by the various rare and precious products in the Western Regions described in Zhang's report, especially the sweat-blooded horses from Dawan, which were honored as "Heavenly Horses". It was especially attractive to Emperor Wu, who was fond of horses. Later, after defeating the Xiongnu, Zhang Qian made another mission to the Western Regions in 119 B.C., arriving in Usun and making significant contributions to the opening up of trade.

Nowadays, grapes, alfalfa, caraway, cucumber, pepper, walnuts, etc., which are common to us, are all said to have been brought back by Zhang Qian. In addition, through the commercial road opened by Zhang Qian, a variety of things have been transmitted. Not to mention the Dawan horses, which were the favorite of Emperor Wu, but also carpets, woolen fabrics, sapphires, gemstones, gold and silverware, glassware, pearls, Turkestones, and silver coins from Rome and Persia, as well as Buddhism, which came from Central Asia around the time of the reign of Emperor Wu, and the Buddhist scriptures translated by monks from the Western Regions and the monasteries built during the reign of Emperor Ming of the Han Dynasty.

In addition, Chinese silk fabrics, porcelain and lacquer ware were also brought to the West. It is said that the Chinese prohibited the export of silkworms while exporting silk fabrics in order to maintain their monopoly on silk fabrics. Cocoons have been found in ancient Chinese ruins. In the oracle bone inscriptions of the Yin Dynasty, there are words such as "silkworm", "mulberry", "silk", "silk", and so on. "This shows that silk production began in the Warring States period and matured in the Han Dynasty.

During the Han Dynasty, the Western Regions were established in the Western Regions, and their area of influence included almost all of Central Asia. However, when the former Han Dynasty declined, it was replaced by the Later Han Dynasty, which emerged more than ten years later. During the latter Han Dynasty, Ban Chao and Ban Yong, father and son, made a great impact on the Western Regions and recaptured the Western Regions, which had once been occupied by the Xiongnu, and re-established the Western Regions Defense Office. By skillful use of diplomacy and force, Ban Chao brought more than fifty city-states under the subordination of the Later Han, and after the pacification of Central Asia, transportation and trade on the Silk Road further prospered.

In 618 AD, the Tang Dynasty established a strong and unified China. At this time, the nomadic Turkic peoples (of the Turkic family), who rivaled the Xiongnu in the northern Gaoxian region of the desert, also established a nomadic empire. Like the Han Dynasty, the Tang Dynasty was able to crush the Turkic Empire after it had gained strength, causing it to collapse and allowing trade between the East and the West to flourish even more than it had during the Han Dynasty.

However, for about three and a half centuries, from the fall of the Tang Dynasty in 907 AD until the establishment of the Yuan Dynasty, the Silk Road from China to the West was virtually abandoned.

It was only in the 13th century, after Genghis Khan's conquest of North Asia with his Mongol cavalry, that the Silk Road was opened up again, and this time the Mongol hussars were able to make their way as far west as Germany and Poland, thus creating an unprecedented empire that included Western China, Iran and Russia.

In 1368 A.D., the Ming Dynasty was established, controlling the Hexi Corridor and the Hami area, while Central Asia was controlled by the Timurid Empire, which claimed to be the descendant of Genghis Khan. The Timurids fought throughout their lives and established a great empire that stretched from the northern border of China in the east, to the northern part of India in the south, and from the small city-states in the west, to the southern part of Russia in the north. The Timurid dynasty had a passion for ornate architecture and demonstrated a deep understanding of learning and the arts, with the capital city of Samaritan being a masterpiece of Eastern and Western culture. However, with the death of the Timurid monarch during his expedition to China, the Timurid Empire rapidly declined, and the nomadic peoples on the Silk Road went from strength to strength, and the Silk Road trade also declined. 

序号 曲目名稱 藝術家 時間 試聽
01 霓裳羽衣曲 編曲:張大森 指揮:彭修文 07:54
Dancing in a Gauze Costume Performer: the Giant Bell Temple Orchestra
02 美麗的塔什庫爾幹(雙千斤板胡獨奏) 編曲:丁魯峰 演奏:丁魯峰 06:03
Beautiful Tashkurghan(Solo Of Banhu) Arranger. Ding Lufeng Performer: Ding Lufeng
03 火相 作曲:李權一 演奏:電子樂隊 05:29
Pitta Composer:Li Quanyi Performer: E Band
04 大浪淘沙(琵琶) 作曲:華彥鈞 演奏:何樹風 04:28
Huge Tide Brushing Sand (lute melody) Composer: Hua Yanjun Performer: He Shufeng
05 吉祥鳥 改編:蒙古民歌 05:41
Auspicious Bird Arranger: Gu Guanren Performer: Ma Xiaohui & Shu Weimin etc.
06 遙遠的克魯倫河(馬頭琴) 演奏:巴依爾 04:28
The distant Kelulun River Performer: Ba Yier
07 農夫打兔 改編:達斡爾族民歌 04:21
A Farmer Beating A Rabbit Performer: Qian Jun Xia Qing Zhou Tao etc.
08 香山射鼓(古箏獨奏) 作曲:曲雲 演奏:王蔚 04:53
Drum-shooting On Xiangshan Mountain (Solo of Zheng) Composer: Qu Yun Performer: Wang Wei
09 流水(古曲) 演奏:龔一 06:03
Running Water(Ancient Music) Performer: Gong Yi
10 陽關三疊(古曲) 編曲:吳曉鐘 演奏:人民協會華樂團 07:08
Yang Guan San Die Performer: Chinese People's Association Orchestra
11 將軍令(民間樂曲) 演奏:中央名家蔡惠泉等 04:45
The General’s Mandate (Blow and Beat Music) Performer: Cai Huiquan,etc.


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    8.     MP3文件用什麽播放


    9.     為什麽不是ABC(國際)唱片發行的所有唱片都支持下載




    120.00 100.00


    120.00 100.00


    100.00 80.00


    100.00 80.00

    郵箱: service@abcrecord.com
