特製立體聲錄音(binaural recording)
有一種“仿真人頭”(Dummy Head)的雙聲道錄音方式完美地解决了耳機的這一弊端。用仿真人頭方式錄製的唱片當用耳機欣賞時,能營造出比喇叭更爲逼真的360度音場效果,是迄今爲止在音場再現方面最完美的一種高保真錄放方式。要想用喇叭營造出可與之媲美的音場效果是不可能的,除非用無數隻喇叭將聽者圍起來,錄音時用上無數聲道!然而,仿真人頭錄製的CD只有用耳機欣賞才能體會到其妙處,用喇叭欣賞幷不能發揮其音場上的優勢。爲什麽呢?這就要談到仿真人頭錄音技術的原理了。
An indispensable headphone test disk
High quality headphones play an important role in professional recording. The professional listener is called [Golden Ear], with the most faithful sound as its basic goal, the ultimate goal is to achieve the highest recording quality with the most realistic and perfect sound. If you can play this record smoothly, your equipment is already a professional flagship headphone!
Binaural Recording
This refers to a special recording method in which a recording microphone is intentionally installed in the ear canal of a simulated human head. Due to the physical structure of the human head, the recording will contain some special spatial information. When listening to this type of recording with headphones, a three-dimensional sense of space is created that is different from the real thing, but is also very wonderful. Recordings recorded in this way are also known as "head recordings" and are designed for use with headphones.
Most people who have listened to headphones know that they play back music very differently from speakers, especially in terms of "soundstage". Although headphones can also create a soundstage effect, it is far less natural than speakers. "The most important defect of headphones is the soundstage is not natural," has become a consensus among audiophiles. What is the reason for this? There are two main factors. First of all, when music is played back on speakers, the sound signal is emitted from the speakers and travels through the air to reach the human ear. At this time, the human ear hears the "loudspeaker sound" and hear all kinds of sounds in nature, through the auricle, the outer ear, the ear canal, conduct to the eardrum, by the brain nerves perceived.
There is a "Dummy Head" (Dummy Head) dual-channel recording method that perfectly solves this disadvantage of headphones. Dummy Head way to record the record when using headphones to enjoy, can create a more realistic than the speaker 360-degree sound field effect, is so far in the sound field reproduction of the most perfect kind of high-fidelity recording and playback. To create a comparable soundstage effect with speakers is impossible, unless the listener is surrounded by countless speakers and recorded with countless channels! However, CDs recorded with human headphones can only be appreciated with headphones, not with loudspeakers, which do not have the advantage of a soundstage. Why? This brings us to the principle of head-simulation recording technology.
Simply put, head-simulation is the process of placing two miniature omni-directional microphones in the ear canal (close to the tympanic membrane of the human ear) of a dummy head that is almost identical to a real person's head, simulating the entire process of the human ear hearing sound. The head has an auricle, an ear canal, a skull, hair and shoulders, and even the skin and bones are made of the closest material to the human body. All of this is for one purpose: to simulate as realistically as possible all the HRTF influences on the human ear when it hears sound.
With two-channel recording, the 360-degree soundstage is perfectly reproduced! On the whole, this CD not only has an audiophile sound effect, large dynamics, wide frequency response, and high analytical power, but also fully demonstrates the advantages of the "human head simulation" technology, which makes the soundstage unparalleled in terms of realism. Friends familiar with headphones know that when using headphones to enjoy ordinary CD, the sound field seems to be "stacked" in the head between the two ears, "head effect" of the existence of the sound field effect is not natural, and listening to the scene is obviously different. The soundstage of this "Simulated Human Head" CD is completely detached from the head of the listener, and it is obvious that the sound comes from the outside of the space of the realistic feeling. As long as you close your eyes, it's as if you were there, sitting in the recording venue, facing the entire orchestra, with the positions, levels and depths of the voices, and every detail "in your head".
If you own a pair of Hi-Fi headphones, regardless of whether the grade is high or low, you should listen to this simulation of the human head technology production of the CD, which brings you the absolute shock, is the world's highest "surround sound system" can not be compared to the absolute sense of presence of 360 degrees!
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1. 郵費如何收取?
2. 包裹通過什麽方式送達?
中國大陸境內用順豐發貨;其他區域用standard Air Mail發貨;大量訂單一般用DHL發貨。
3. 如何退回破損商品或有瑕疵的商品?
4. 能否取消訂單?
5. 如何下載MP3?
MP3購買付款之後,頁面會自動跳轉到下載MP3 Zip文件的鏈接。該文件是有有效期的,建議您馬上下載,最好是當天完成下載。如果您過了下載期限而無法下載文件,請電郵service@abcrecord.com。
6. MP3下載後不小心刪掉了怎麽辦?
7. 你們采用的比特率為多少?
8. MP3文件用什麽播放?
9. 為什麽不是ABC(國際)唱片發行的所有唱片都支持下載?
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