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  • 專輯名稱:騰格爾—天堂
  • 專輯編號:HD-165
  • 藝術家:騰格爾
  • 音樂風格:中國民歌 人聲 流行
  • 唱片公司:ABC(國際)唱片

來自黃土地的力量  永遠遼闊  永遠動人 
       騰格爾是一個讓海內外華人都十分熟悉的名字,由他演唱的《八千里路雲和月》、電影《紅高粱》主題歌、《酒歌》、《蒙古人》、《天堂》等一批膾炙人口的優秀 民族歌曲早已是家喻戶曉。來自大草原的他,始終沒有忘記養育他的那片土地,他深愛民歌的泥土氣息及草原的民謠風味。“我喜歡民歌,事實上中國民歌是最好聽的!”說完,他爽朗的笑了起來。
       騰格爾,蒙語意思為“藍天”1960年出生於內蒙伊克昭盟,為蒙古鄂托克旗人,是現在少數依舊在內蒙鄂爾多斯大草原上散居的其中一支族人。在它十歲時,便被送入內蒙古藝術黨校,最初開始學跳舞,後來轉學蒙古式三弦-佳木斯。四年以後,他的演奏水準有了很大的提升,並且還進入中國音樂學院,研習指揮。在此之 前,騰格爾在馬背上長大,他所接觸到的音樂,就是蒙古傳統歌謠和那從草原深處傳來的馬頭琴音。
       在20歲時,他打起行囊,走出廣漠大草原。1982年,他考入天津音樂學院,主修理論作曲,開始他創作的歷程。此時期的代表作品:《席尼喇叭交響詩》及 《孟根河絃樂四重奏》,《C大調絃樂四重奏》等,並與蒙古族詩人杜赫•若爾不合作了搖滾交響詩“成吉思汗頌”,他此時的音樂,已擁有了相當豐富的面貌,並 深具民族故土的神髓。
       從1986年起,他的音樂接觸了更廣大的群眾,也朝向更多元化的方向發展。在1987年北京的“西北風中國搖滾”音樂大賽中,他的新音樂創作拔得頭籌之後 他又為電視劇《河殤》配唱主題曲《黃河幾十道彎》而引起轟動,又因主唱電影《紅高粱》主題曲《酒歌》,在國際間大放異彩!
       1990年,他首度應邀主唱臺灣電視節目《八千里路雲和月》主題曲,蒼勁卻又深情的嗓音,在人們心中留下了深刻的印象。1992年,他拜訪臺灣,舉辦個人 生平的第一場演唱會,他那無以掩飾的大漠豪情及深具煽動性的高難度唱法,讓兩萬名在場的聽眾,親身感受道他粗獷外表下所內藏的深刻力量!
       1994年,大陸第四代導演謝飛看中他在音樂上的才華及孕育於大漠草原的氣質與外型,力邀他為電影新作《黑駿馬》(臺灣稱作《愛在草原的天空》創作音樂, 並擔任片中男主角及電影原聲帶製作人、編曲、演唱。騰格爾就此踏上了表演藝術的另一個領域。他和謝飛一起詮釋了蒙古青年被邊疆遊牧文化及大草原哺育的過 程,充分地表達了對古老傳統及土地的眷念。而這部 電影在1995年的蒙特羅電影節獲得了《最佳導演》及《最佳音樂藝術成就》二項大獎!
       1997年,騰格爾在香港獲頒《世界名人證書》,他的名字及略傳被收錄刊登在“世界名人錄”之中,並開始在國際社會中流傳,蒙古熱潮也就此逐散開來。騰格 爾的音樂領域和氣質是開闊而廣大的。他的作品題材廣泛,主題嚴肅而又深度,曲風深具地方性色彩。這一切,源自于他對自然與土地的熱愛,他說,人對大自然的 愛,是現在世界的潮流,也是永恆的主題。“過去是現在的種子,未來是現在的花季”,身為一個音樂人,的確有必要、有責任歌頌腳下的這片土地,將心對生命的 感動留下來。

The power of the yellow earth is always vast and always moving.

Ten years ago, the magnificent voice that amazed the whole world remained unchanged; ten years later, it is more of an open-mindedness and introspection after going through the vicissitudes of life. Under the symphony's layer by layer, the vastness of the desert suddenly became gentle.

Tengger is a name familiar to Chinese people at home and abroad, and his renditions of "Eight Thousand Miles of Road, Clouds and Moon", the theme song of the movie "Red Sorghum", "The Wine Song", "Mongolian", "Paradise" and a number of other great national songs have long been household names. Coming from the prairie, he has never forgotten the land that nurtured him, and he loves the earthiness of folk songs and the flavor of prairie ballads. "I love folk songs, in fact, Chinese folk songs are the best!" he said with a bright smile. He smiled brightly.

In the past few years, he has extensively absorbed the beautiful melodies and simple lyrics of folk songs, and added the unique music culture of the grassland with a modern understanding of it, together with the traditional instruments of the ethnic minorities, such as the Ma Touqin and the Rawafu. The fusion of modern electronic music and traditional folk music presents a unique crossover style, injecting a new vitality into the world of style.

Tengger, which means "blue sky" in Mongolian, was born in 1960 in Ikezhaomeng, Inner Mongolia, and is a native of Ertok Banner, Mongolia, one of the few ethnic groups still living in the Ordos steppe in Inner Mongolia. When he was ten years old, he was sent to the Inner Mongolia Art Party School, where he first began to learn to dance, and later switched to the Mongolian sanxian-jiamusi. After four years, his playing improved dramatically, and he entered the Chinese Conservatory of Music, where he studied conducting. Until then, Tengger grew up on horseback, exposed to traditional Mongolian songs and the sounds of the horse-head fiddle from the depths of the steppe.

At the age of 20, he packed his bag and left the steppe, and in 1982, he was admitted to the Tianjin Conservatory of Music, where he majored in composition and began his creative journey. His representative works of this period are: "Symphonic Poem for Horn", "Mangan River String Quartet", "String Quartet in C Major", etc. He also collaborated with Mongolian poet Duh & Bull; Ruor Bu on the rock symphonic poem "Ode to Genghis Khan", his music at this time already has a rich appearance, and has a deep essence of the national homeland.

From 1986 onwards, his music reached out to a wider audience and developed in a more diversified direction. After winning the 1987 "Northwest Wind China Rock" music competition in Beijing, his new music creations caused a sensation when he sang the theme song "Dozens of Bends of the Yellow River" for the TV drama "River Shame", and then made a splash in the international arena when he sang "The Wine Song", the theme song of the movie "Red Sorghum"!

In 1990, he was invited to sing the theme song of the Taiwan TV program "8,000 Miles of Road, Clouds and the Moon" for the first time, leaving a deep impression in people's hearts with his pale yet heartfelt voice. 1992, he visited Taiwan and held his first concert in his life, and his undisguised desert heroism and deeply provocative and difficult vocals made 20,000 audience members feel the profound power hidden under his rugged appearance!

In 1994, Xie Fei, a fourth-generation mainland director, recognized his musical talent and the temperament and appearance of the desert grasslands, and invited him to compose the music for the new film "Black Horse" (known as "Love in the Grassland Sky" in Taiwan), and to serve as the film's leading man and the movie soundtrack's producer, arranger, and vocalist. Tengger thus embarked on another field of performing arts. Together with Xie Fei, he interpreted the process of Mongolian youth being nurtured by the nomadic culture of the frontier and the steppe, fully expressing their nostalgia for the ancient traditions and the land. The film won two awards, "Best Director" and "Best Achievement in Music and Art", at the 1995 Montero Film Festival!

In 1997, Tengger was awarded the "Who's Who in the World" certificate in Hong Kong, and his name and biography were published in the "Who's Who in the World" catalog, which began to circulate in the international community, and the Mongolian craze began to spread. Tengger's musical field and temperament is broad and wide. His compositions cover a wide range of subjects, with serious yet deep themes and deeply localized styles. All of this stems from his love of nature and the land. He says that the love of nature is the trend of the world nowadays, and it is also an eternal theme. "The past is the seed of the present, the future is the flowering season of the present". As a musician, it is indeed necessary and responsible to celebrate the land under his feet and leave behind his heart's feelings for life. 

序号 曲目名稱 藝術家 時間 試聽
01 天堂 演唱:騰格爾 05:06
Heaven Singer:Tengri
02 草原之夜 演唱:騰格爾 04:36
The Night on the Prairie Singer:Tengri
03 蒙古人 演唱:騰格爾 05:27
Mongolians Singer:Tengri
04 在那遙遠的地方 演唱:騰格爾 01:55
In a Faraway Land Singer:Tengri
05 懷念戰友 演唱:騰格爾 04:10
Farewell My Comrade Singer:Tengri
06 嘎達梅林 演唱:騰格爾 04:01
Gada-Mairen the Mongolian Hero Singer:Tengri
07 在銀色的月光下 演唱:騰格爾 03:57
Undetr the Silver Moonlight Singer:Tengri
08 蒼鷹 演唱:騰格爾 05:09
Wounded Eagle Singer:Tengri
09 希拉草原深處 演唱:騰格爾 04:08
Deep in Xi-la Prairie Singer:Tengri
10 演唱:騰格爾 04:19
Dream Singer:Tengri
11 父親和我 演唱:騰格爾 04:37
Father And Me Singer:Tengri
12 月兒彎彎照九州 演唱:騰格爾 03:22
The Crescent Shining Across the Land Singer:Tengri
13 我熱戀的故鄉 演唱:騰格爾 02:56
My Dear Homeland Singer:Tengri


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