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HI-FI 西班牙 – 佩佩·羅梅羅

HI-FI 西班牙 – 佩佩·羅梅羅

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  • 專輯名稱:HI-FI 西班牙 - 佩佩·羅梅羅
  • 專輯編號:HDS-286
  • 藝術家:佩佩·羅梅羅
  • 音樂風格:發燒試音 弗蘭明高 弗拉明戈
  • 唱片公司:ABC(國際)唱片










佩佩·羅梅羅(Pepe Romero)是西班牙古典吉他界的巨星,也是傳奇家族的代表人物。 他三歲起就開始跟他的父親Celedonio Romero學習吉他。在他十歲那年,首次與他的父親一起在西班牙塞維利亞的Teatro Lope de Vega進行公開演出了。1958年,羅梅洛一家移居美國加州,次年就以一名弗拉門哥吉他手的身份錄製了首張唱片。 佩佩的吉他老師只有一位,就是他的父親,不過他還在西班牙和紐約向巴斯克鋼琴演奏家與作曲家Francisco de Medina學習。在此後的20多年中,佩佩作為Los Romemos吉他四重奏中的一員,進行了大量的演出幷錄製了許多唱片。七十年代以後開始以吉他獨奏演奏家的身份出現,幷與聖馬丁室內樂團合作錄製了大量唱片。1970年,佩佩和他的弟弟安吉爾合作,對羅德利哥的Concierto Madrigal for two guitars and orchestra進行了首演,詮釋的精湛功力無人能比,被譽為世界上最偉大的吉他大師之一。


      When most people are asked about Spain, the first thing that comes to mind is a flamenco dance show, sangria and sunny beaches. For many, this passionate and powerful style of dance tells the story of Spain's 

ancient past and the spirit of its people.

      Flamenco is not only the triple art of cante, baile and toque, but also represents a generous, frenetic, bold and uninhibited way of life.

      Gypsies love to say: "Flamenco is in our blood!" And it's true. In the eyes of us foreigners, flamenco is gypsy, is Carmen, is those from a distant foreign land, beautiful and untamed souls.

      Today, the word flamenco is not only the name of a specific dance, but also used to describe an attitude towards life. According to the dictionary, flamenco refers to a group of people who are pleasure-seeking, 

unproductive, debauched and often live on the fringes of the law. In the minds of artists, "flamenco" is not only the triple art of cante, baile and oque, but also represents a generous, frenzied, bold and uninhibited way 

of life. The bohemian style that has become popular in the fashion industry in the past two years is a romantic manifestation of this spirit.

      Flamenco dance is not a traditional Catalan dance, but originated from the southern region of Spain. However, over the years, people from the south of Spain have moved here, so you can also experience the 

authentic flamenco dance performance in Barcelona. The dancers perform a natural and uncouth art. They dance to the music with a passion and love that is infectious. The dances were at times heart-warming and at 

other times relaxing.

     Spanish guitarists are not only handsome but they are also amazing musicians. The guitarist performs unique and emotional music that blends with the singers and dancers. With the flamenco steps, the three male 

singers produce vowels that are either light and beautiful or painful and moaning. At different points in the music, they join the female singers and dancers in an incredible and powerful chorus.

     A connoisseur says: "Flamenco is the most enjoyable dance in which the music is mastered with the greatest precision". In flamenco dance, in addition to songs, guitar and soundboard accompaniment, dancers 

sometimes with the rhythm of clapping, sometimes feet on the ground to strengthen the rhythm, with the change of musical expression, the dancers' physical performance is also followed by sad, joyful, as if for the 

deepest expression of the soul. Throughout the performance, both the artist and the audience are seeking a spiritual connection.

     The flamenco dance has a strong and fast rhythm, with exaggerated and powerful movements. The female performers wear long, colorful, swinging dresses, and as they move, their skirts flutter like blooming flowers. 

The male performers are dressed in smart attire, either in shirts and vests with breeches and boots, or in powerful military uniforms, showing the masculine beauty of the male body. Their dance steps are like tap dance, 

but with a tighter and more solid rhythm, and a series of fast-paced, kicking and sounding steps that make you feel passionate together with the dancers!

     A soundboard is a must for flamenco performances. If you have a sharp ear, you can probably hear that the sound from the soundboards in the dancer's left and right hands are not the same, the left hand side of the 

sound is low, representing the males; the right side of the sound is more high-pitched, the females. The response of the soundboards in the dancers' hands expresses the dialog between men and women. In order to tell 

the story of men and women in a gentle way, the talent and life experience of the artist is more important than technique, which is why many flamenco dancers, the older they get, the more flavorful they dance.

      Of all the dances, the woman in flamenco is the most seductive. She is not like the ballet heroine as pure and dignified, not like the national standard dance in the female partner as passionate and noble. She often 

appears alone, shoulders shrugged, head raised, eyes forlorn. In most of the duets, she and the male lead are distant and close, as if they are not together. When she really dances, her expression is still cold and even 

painful, but her body movements are full of passion, and the sounding board in her hand follows her dance steps with clatter and clatter, which seems to be telling her the vicissitudes of her past, is it not the sexiest 


      Pepe Romero is a superstar in the Spanish classical guitar world and a representative of the legendary family. He began studying guitar at the age of three with his father, Celedonio Romero. At the age of ten, he gave 

his first public performance with his father at the Teatro Lope de Vega in Seville, Spain, and in 1958, the Romero family moved to California, where he made his debut recording as a flamenco guitarist the following year. 

Pepe had only one guitar teacher, his father, but he also studied with Basque pianist and composer Francisco de Medina in Spain and New York. For more than 20 years, Pepe performed and recorded as part of the Los 

Romemos Guitar Quartet. In the seventies, Pepe began to appear as a soloist and made numerous recordings with the St. Martin's Chamber Orchestra, and in 1970 he gave the premiere of Rodrigo's Concierto Madrigal 

for two guitars and orchestra with his younger brother Angel, a virtuoso performance that has become one of the world's greatest guitarists. Pepe·s guitar is one of the greatest guitarists in the world.

      Pepe & middot; Romero as a guitarist with a flawless appreciation of musicians. He set off countless climax, playing the guitar performance in the most beautiful need to be extremely light music section, creating 

extremely beautiful, clear and elegant phrases. He has an inspirational sense of variations in dynamics and a rich palette of colors, so that he has the ability to create almost anything he needs. Pepe's stirring interpretations 

and seamless technique have made him famous, and have often made him a favorite on guitar and with orchestra. Familiar melodies and mesmerizing guitar riffs, flamenco and classical collide to create a different kind 

of classic, a different kind of music. This is an amazing album, all the famous classical pieces are infused with the fresh blood of flamenco, a different feeling from classical music. 

序号 曲目名稱 藝術家 時間 試聽
01 波利露之舞慢板 莫札特- C大調第二十一號鋼琴協奏曲 03:58
Buleria Adagio Mozart- Piano Concerto No_21
02 探戈咏嘆調 巴赫- G弦上的咏嘆調 03:07
Tango Aria Bach- Air on the G String
03 春之探戈 維瓦爾第-四季小提琴協奏曲 03:49
Primavera Tango Vivaldi- The Four Seasons
04 倫巴舞快板 莫札特-第四十交響曲 05:10
Rumba Allegro Mozart- Symphony No_40
05 孤調卡農 帕海貝爾-卡農 04:36
Solea Canon Pachelbel- Canon
06 致愛麗絲的凡丹戈舞曲 貝多芬-獻給愛麗絲 02:48
Fandango for Elise Beethoven- Fur Elise
07 我想忘記你的名字 作曲:瓦尼卡多貝爾 03:28
Quiero tu nombre olvidar Composer: Vainica Doble Carmen Linares
08 我不想見到你 作曲:埃米利奧·基諾內 04:40
No Quiero Verte Tangos Composer: Emilio Quiñones
09 探戈慢板 阿爾賓諾尼-柔板 03:38
Tango Adagio Albinoni- Adagio
10 拉巴羅薩歡愉調 作曲:帕克·德·魯西亞 04:39
La Barrosa alegrías Composer: Paco de Lucía
11 緩慢的倫巴 孟德爾頌-第五號交響曲 02:38
Andante Rumba Mendelssohn- Symphony No_5
12 愉悅片刻 作曲: 羅梅洛 03:19
Segundos De Alegria Composer: Romero
13 探戈小夜曲 舒伯特-小夜曲 04:03
Tango Serenata Schubert- Standchen
14 埃爾曼達托 作曲:文森特·阿米果 05:11
El Mandaito Composer: Vicente Amigo
15 月光倫巴舞 貝多芬-第十四鋼琴奏鳴曲“月光” 05:17
Moonlight Rumba Beethoven- Piano Sonata No_14
16 信函 作曲:文森特·阿米果 03:31
Mensaje Composer: Vicente Amigo
17 弗拉門戈波麗露舞曲 拉威爾-波麗露舞曲 05:08
Flamenco Bolero Ravel- Bolero


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